Sunday, April 01, 2012

HTML5 WebSocket server using c#

Use Socket.Listen(10) as per normal.
on Socket.Accept(): the HTML5 client from the browser will initiate a handshake.
grab the request using Socket.Receive(byte[])

bytes = new byte[1024];
 int bytesRec = client.Receive(bytes);
data += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec);


"--- Request ---
GET /echo HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Origin: null
Sec-WebSocket-Key: NBX4xUnlu1QWVPtGE2RFyw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13"

To generate a response back, need a few steps.

Get the key, eg.: "NBX4xUnlu1QWVPtGE2RFyw=="
append the magic string "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" to the key.
Use SHA1 to hash the combined string.
Convert this string to base64


string combined = key + magicString;
 SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(combined));
string acceptKey = Convert.ToBase64String(hash);

so in this case, accept key is "YOBURURfF9giWA8womjw1NpT9fk="

Then form the response.

"--- Response ---
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: YOBURURfF9giWA8womjw1NpT9fk="

use "\r\n" to end each line. and add an additional "\r\n" to the last line, ie., two "\r\n"

send this thru the socket.

byte[] outputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(output);
 int result = client.Send(outputBytes);

To decode any message from client. using the WebSocket.send(message) method

sequence: "one byte which contains the type of data
one byte which contains the length
either two or eight additional bytes if the length did not fit in the second byte
four bytes which are the masks (= decoding keys)
the actual data"

to decode: "decodedByte = encodedByte XOR masks[encodedByteIndex MOD 4]"

                    bytes = new byte[1024];
                    int bytesRec = client.Receive(bytes);

                    int second = bytes[1] & 127; // AND 0111 1111
                    int maskIndex = 2;
                    if (second < 126)
                        // length fit in second byte
                        maskIndex = 2;
                    else if (second == 126)
                        // next 2 bytes contain length
                        maskIndex = 4;
                    else if (second == 127)
                        // next 8 bytes contain length
                        maskIndex = 10;
                    // get mask
                    byte[] mask = { bytes[maskIndex], 
                    int contentIndex = maskIndex + 4;

                    // decode
                    byte[] decoded = new byte[bytesRec - contentIndex];
                    for (int i = contentIndex, k = 0; i < bytesRec; i++, k++ )
                        // decoded = byte XOR mask
                        decoded[k] = (byte)(bytes[i] ^ mask[k % 4]);
                    data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decoded, 0, decoded.Length);


Montasir said...

thank you so much for this post, It is working.

But I need to know how can I send message from server to client.

Boon said...

sorry for the late reply, Montasir. Was away til now.
To send the message, you will need to prepare the header data:
so far i've experimented using TEXT frame

first byte will be 129, ie. binary 1000 0001
then the following sequence is dependent on the length of your message
- if 0 <= length <= 125, you don't need additional bytes
- if 126 <= length <= 65535, you need two additional bytes and the second byte is 126
- if length >= 65536, you need eight additional bytes, and the second byte is 127
NOTE: write in BIG endian. most sig byte in lower address location. left to right hex.

After this is done, you just have to convert the text to bytes and send it. No need to write 4 byte mask, etc. reason is that the second byte that you sent was zero. so no encoding needed

hope this helps

George Tsapras said...

Thank you for this post.Especially for decode function.

Mteheran - Miguel Teheran said...

THANKSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WORK!!!!!!